Artist Spotlight: Teenage Priest

Teenage Priest Press 1

Welcome to the very first PROJECT PLAYTHIS interview

We are so excited to kick things off with one of the artists that we just can’t get enough of - the man, the myth, the legend - Teenage Priest.

If you follow V1, you most likely have already heard of him and couple of his singles which we’ve included on prior updates.

Taylor Van Ginkel is the man behind mirror for Teenage Priest.

Taylor is an indie singer from Orange County, California and what many don’t know is he is also the lead guitarist for Bishop Briggs, another notable artist. With only five singles released under his name (starting only last year in 2019), Taylor has already captured his own sound and following.

Released Singles:

Let’s get into it!

Taylor, can you tell us about yourself?

  • Helloooooo

    My name is taylor, im from orange county, california. i make music under the name Teenage Priest, and i love it. :-)

So what got you into music?

  • My parents did. they didn't really play much themselves, but they surrounded me with great music all the time. We had a stereo in the living room that played everything. Dire Straits, Elvis, James Taylor, Blues Brothers, Norah Jones. 

    I started playing drums when i was really young, then guitar, then my brother taught me bass, then taught myself keys. 

    Then from Junior High on I've been in bands with friends. kind of always been surrounded by it. i feel very lucky.

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Who would you say were your biggest music influences?

  • Its always changing. When i was younger i wanted to be Elvis so badly. The first song i learned on the guitar was "Love Me Tender". 

    The Style Council have been big for me recently.

    But idk honestly whatever i find deep in the pits of youtube. I love just mashed up beats and drum machines. 

We also know that you worked and toured with Bishop Briggs. Can you share a little bit about that experience?

  • Yes! She's the best. I've been her touring guitarist for the past few years. I literally just auditioned for the part and somehow got it.

    But ya, It's turned into a great friendship, and I've learned so much working with her. 

    She's someone who really encouraged me to release my own music and do the thing. All love nothing but nice things to say, and if we ever get live music back again you need to see her shes insane. 

At what point did you decide that you were going to fully invest yourself into music?

  • When I started to think of myself as "having a voice". not in a corny way. thats so corny.

    Its not that i have a good voice, because i don't think i really do. (my voice is honestly pretty shit i just like how it sounds when i run it through effects)

    And its also not that i think i have incredibly profound things to say.

    I was just enthusiastic about what i had put together. I had a few songs that i thought were really unique, and i loved thinking about these melodies all the time. 

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For our readers considering a similar path in music, can you share a little bit about your journey?

What were some of your biggest hurdles?

  • My Own Crippling Self Doubt :-)

Would you do anything differently?

  • No

What’s a piece of advice that you would give to someone looking to following a similar path?

  • Trust your taste, bring your friends up with you, write everyday :-).

If you had a dream collab, who’s an artist or band that you would want to work with?

  • An Artist named "Kindness". I want to make a Dance album with them. God-like.

Since quarantine / shelter-in-place, have you picked up any new hobbies?

  • no nothing really. I've read three Tom Robbins books, Watched "The last Dance" twice, and have been making music everyday. 

Who’s an artist or band that you can't stop listening to right now? 

  • I've listened to the Jai Paul "leak" album maybe 40 times through during quarantine. And im obsessed with Angel Olsen. Shes not from this planet i dont think.  

Final question. What can we expect from you and Teenage Priest post COVID-19?

  • Album 2021 <3 and touring, whenever God permits

That’s all she wrote.

@Taylor, thanks again for participating in this with us. You are an absolute legend and the PROJECT PLAYTHIS team will be supporting you the entire way. We are very excited for what’s to come (the album!) and can’t wait to crush a few together at your next show.

To our fellow readers, thank you for tuning in. We hope you enjoyed this first interview and also encourage you to give Teenage Priest a listen and follow - seriously go stream his songs right now.

And if you liked this one, we have plenty of more on the way ;)



Album of the Month: Dance Without Me


Album of the Month: What Could Possibly Go Wrong