

You may have noticed our lack of activity over the past few weeks.

With everything that is going on right now, we felt compelled to keep quiet and to most importantly, set time aside for ourselves – to listen, to learn, to understand, and to participate in the conversation that needs to be had about racial injustice against the Black Community.

Whether you know it or not, Black culture has created and influenced so much, if not all of what we listen to today. Music would be drastically different without it – and not in a good way.

That said, we also want to say that we have been so inspired by how others, including many of our friends, family, favorite artists and musicians, are all coming together and finding ways to leverage their platforms to drive change.

So on Friday, in significance of Juneteenth and out of our love for the Black Community, we will be putting out an entirely new playlist of our favorite sounds from Black artists only. But know this isn’t the only way that we are showing support. There are other avenues that we have and will continue to partake in, many coming from the information that you are all sharing so thank you.

In addition, we have a small surprise coming out this Wednesday with our friends at @fantasticvoyagemusic. Follow their page to stay up to date.

Chris & Chris




Hey, it’s Chris